Of all that Jesus both began to do and teach ~ Acts 1:1

Reaching the Lost and Strengthening the Saved

About Us

We believe that the Bible is the fully inspired, infallible word of God and thus place a great emphasis on teaching the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We feel this should be the top criteria for anyone searching for a church. If His word is regarded rightly, taught, and followed, then effective ministry will take place.

As the body of Christ, we seek to follow a simple pattern found in the Scriptures, “And they continued daily in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” (Acts 2:42) Consequently, our ministry is focused first and foremost on equipping and strengthening the saints through the study of God’s word, fellowship with other believers, and prayer.

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Service Times

Sunday Mornings

10:30 am

Wednesday Evenings

7:00 pm