Ezra’s lamentations over the sins of his people had stirred in them an awakening to their sins against God. So the people initiated actions which involve annulling the pagan marriages. These were the wages of sin.
The Game Changer
Only four months after arriving in Jerusalem Ezra was told of blatant sin amongst the people. He then poured out his heart in prayer for the nation, unaware that God was using him to change all this in Israel.
Truly Trusting of God
Ezra is now ready to make the thousand mile journey from Babylon to Jerusalem. His caravan is carrying much gold and silver, but having boasted of God’s care for his people, he goes without Babylonian escort.
The Man Ezra
At last we meet Ezra the honorable man of God. Over half a century separates Ezra chapter 7 from Ezra chapter 6. Ezra leads temple servants to Jerusalem from Persia to teach the people to worship and serve
Finishing the Work
After sixteen years God raise up the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to stir the Jews in Judah to resume Temple construction. This time they would not be intimidated, though challenged the temple was built.